
Overview of Abu Dhabi free zones

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    Abu Dhabi is the largest trading port linking the west and east of the world! Foreign company formation still has high values in the international market. The new rules and laws benefit foreign company registration in Abu Dhabi free zones.

    Free trade zone in Abu Dhabi is a separate area within UAE, where all kinds of goods are used for the trading purpose. These goods can be introduced regardless of source, nature, origin or place of arrival. The goods are not subjected to import duties or any other hidden taxes.

    Abu Dhabi free zones attracts foreign investment by,

    What are the free zones in Abu Dhabi?

    ADAFZ is a free zone that covers most of the Abu Dhabi’s airport. It provides business parks, free zone facilities, Logistics Park, and business centre at Al Ain international airport, Al Bateen Executive airport, and Abu Dhabi international airport.

    Permitted activities in ADAFZ

    Businesses that can set up in ADAFZ broadly fall under the following categories,

    Import and export, aviation, aerospace, airport services, logistics, transportation, marketing events, regional HQ, technology and ICT, trading, assembly, MRO, flight supporting services, etc

    ADAFZ allows setting up LLC or ‘limited liability companies’ and branches!

    ADGM is a financial free zone established in 2015. It’s the only financial free zone in Abu Dhabi! ADGM has a unique court system, separate from others that are especially dedicated to hearing the commercial cases of ADGM companies.

    Permitted activities in ADGM

    It supports a variety of financial, retail business, and non-financial ventures that include,

    Masdar city free zone was established in 2006, it’s a global leader in renewable energy and sustainable urban development. This particular free zone develops UAE’s role in renewable and clean energy sectors with the objective of making sustainability solutions commercially viable.

    Permitted activities in Masdar city

    Renewable energy, energy based industries, oil and gas services, clean tech and ICT, etc.

    Masdar city allows LLC and branches! Abu Dhabi free zone trade license of Masdar city is also issued for an association or non-profit activities.

    KIZAD is an integrated trade and logistics free zone. It was established in the year 2012 and part of the Abu Dhabi ports company. It’s located at Al Tawila between Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

    Permitted activities in KIZAD

    Industrial activities like manufacturing, processing, assembling, packaging, import or export. Trade activities that include trading in agricultural products, flowers, plants, building materials, aircraft and trains, etc. Service license that include travel agencies, catering services, food outlets, etc

    KIZAD allows setting up of LLCs and branches

    Twofour54 aims at building a creative media cluster in Abu Dhabi. It’s a driving force assuring development in Abu Dhabi as a filming location. It serves as a major supporter in developing both local content and talent.

    Permitted activities in Twofour54

    Creative media space for advertising, branding, animation, content portal management, content management, and monitoring services, game development, graphic design, broadcasting, publishing, event management, etc.

    Twofour54 allows setting up LLCs and branches. They also issue freelancer licenses!

    What are the advantages of Abu Dhabi free zones?

    How to start a business with Abu Dhabi free zone trade license?

    Some of the steps to start your business venture,

    What are the documents required for company registration in Abu Dhabi free zone?

    Establish a business-friendly environment! Company formation in Abu Dhabi free zone is quite simple with several unique business consulting firms in UAE. They overcome any barriers and make it easy for people who wish to set up their own business in the UAE. Abu Dhabi free zone authority is the best place to set up your business! A specialized team of professionals with great expertise helps their clients in registration, licensing, visas, banking, and recruitments. Get competitive business locations that attract both local and international business investment!


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